Wednesday, September 26, 2007


These were a lot of fun! Armbands. I just started stamping them out experimenting with various geometric patterns and then applying the new Eco-Flow Antique Gel and Hi-Liter in as many creative ways as I could dream up and I do not even feel as though I have scratched the surface.




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Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Band for a Hat

Well, you cannot just leave a hat like that - it needs a band! I suppose it's a strap to keep your head from getting swollen.... In any case, I had fun adding this to my hat.


I used the same geometric pattern that I used around the brim of the hat. The color difference between the hat and band - made of the same hide - is in the finish: I used Dr Jackson's on the hat and the soon-to-be-discontinued X1 dressing on the band.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Leather Hat

At last I managed to make a hat for myself! I have passed by so many in the store - leather hats - and each time I say "Oh, I can do that!", but of course, I never do! So when a friend sent me a set of patterns, I found a very nice Brazilian tanned, pre-dyed leather (5oz) and went to work on this hat.



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