Sunday, March 06, 2011

Done really Fast

If you really want to do nice work, make something for someone else and speed through it at top speed!

That is how this check book cover got a quick, but very effective, double whip stitch edge - no time for double loop lacing.

Digital photography once again conceals the true beauty of the dye job.  I used a dauber ful of red dye to apply Saddle Tan Gel Antique and then sprayed it with supersheen.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Tandy in SA!

I just saw the news that Tandy now has a website just for South Africa.   Hopefully this will make its products and leather more accessable to South Africans.

Here is a link to the page:  TANDY SA

I see the orders will probably be processed from Woodheads in Cape Town.  That is where I bought my first 3 ounce belly, the basic tools and made a 2" wide belt for my bell-bottom pants on the mother's dining room table (no marble stone at that stage and no sence about the right weight of leather to use!  That was in January 1978.  I should probably publish a picture or two of that first belt!  I did actually use it too....

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Rob Barr

Two weeks after I arrived in the USA, I attended the IFOLG show in Ft Worth.  My sons were only 4 and 6 years old and asked where I was going.  I told them and also metioned that I would meet real Cowboys and Indians. One of the asked me if I would be able to play with them!   I had to explain more - these were going to be real people just like us.

At the show I met Rob Barr for the first time and told him the story - he had a very good laugh about it and immediately raked someone closer to take this photo of me holding his pony tail to prove to my sons that I had indeed met a real Indian.

Years later in Topeka at a similar show, my sons were lucky enough to meet Rob and we had a nice long visit.

Rob has since passed into the next life, but remains a source of inspiration in my leatherwork.